Understanding Trauma
ANYONE can experience trauma. Its etiology can range from major life-threatening events to highly distressing non-life-threatening experiences that impact our wellbeing. Symptoms of trauma display themselves uniquely to each individual and may come in the form of:
When we experience traumatic events, our bodies take in data such as what we are seeing, hearing, tasting, feeling, and smelling. At times, our minds might struggle to take in additional information that helps us to heal, and so our trauma memories are frozen on repeat of the experience (like watching a movie replaying over-and-over again). We might also try to avoid these thoughts, but OUR BODIES REMEMBER. A certain scent might trigger a reaction, a sound might elicit a distressing response, or seeing something that represents a traumatic experience might lead to heightened levels of disturbance. With trauma, we often develop negative thinking patterns about ourselves. However, HEALING IS POSSIBLE. Evidenced-based approaches such as Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) have been shown to help us to reduce emotional arousal and disturbing symptoms we feel when recalling these distressing traumatic memories. It is designed to help us to take in adaptive information, so that we can see ourselves in healthier ways.
Experiencing upsetting memories replaying in your mind
Having nightmares or flashbacks about an event that occurred
Finding yourself feeling on “high alert”
Reacting to certain internal or external cues that remind you of a negative experience
Avoiding situations, people, thoughts, memories, or feelings that remind you of a distressing event
Observing negative beliefs about yourself or disturbing emotions related to a previous situation
Finding yourself in a dreamlike state or struggling to concentrate on the present moment
What Is EMDR?
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a widely researched therapy shown to help people to heal from traumatic or distressing life experiences. The development of EMDR (originally termed EMD) occurred in 1987 by Francine Shapiro, who noticed a reduction in emotional arousal when bilateral eye movements occurring simultaneously when thinking about a distressing event ( . Since then, research studies, including meta-analyses, have indicated EMDR is an effective therapy for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder among other conditions such as depression, anxiety, and panic disorders. Rather than replaying the disturbing memory, EMDR helps to reprocess the memory with integration of adaptive information, which can lead to less emotional arousal and healthier views of oneself. Its focus is on three time periods: one's past, present, and future.
The 8 Stages of EMDR include:
Getting to know your history, including presenting struggles, goals, and supports
Creating a list of, and categorize, traumatic events
Create a treatment plan
Assessing readiness for EMDR stages
Select a traumatic memory
Select an image that represents the memory
Identify a negative thought you might be experiencing
Select a preferred positive belief that you would like to work toward
Discuss EMDR Theory and Model
Identifying a Safe Place
Discuss possible side effects
Learn stress management techniques
While thinking about the target memory, track your clinician's finger movements with your eyes (alternative modes include taps or tones)
Explain briefly what you notice in between sets
The clinician will occasionally ask for a rating of intensity
The image/memory becomes less upsetting
Linking the preferred positive belief with the trauma also using eye movements or alternative modes
The clinician will occasionally ask for a rating of how strongly you believe the positive cognition
Containment, orient self to the present
Homework - Notice Log
Scanning your body for any disturbance that might still be present
Eye movements or alternative modes of bilateral stimulation utilized
Examine progress
Check Notice Log
Assess need for movement through past/present/future targets